Whereas the States and the People wrote the Constitution of the United States, creating the government of the United States of America and delegating to it certain, limited powers; and
Whereas the government of the United States of America has enacted many laws which are repugnant to the Constitution of the United States; and
Whereas the government of the United States of America has vastly exceeded the limited powers delegated to it by the Constitution; and
Whereas the Supreme Court of the United States has upheld these unconstitutional acts; and
Whereas the government of the United States of America has demonstrated that it cannot be trusted to limit itself to those powers delegated to it by the Constitution; and
Whereas judging the constitutionality of laws is not a power delegated to the government of the United States of America by the states; and
Whereas judging the constitutionality of laws is not a power prohibited to the states by the Constitution;
Be It Resolved that the States and the People find it necessary and proper to exercise their reserved powers to determine the constitutionality of the acts, laws, treaties, orders, rules and regulations enacted by the government of the United States of America, and to prevent enforcement of any which they find to be unconstitutional.