What This Site Is AboutIt is the purpose of this site to convince the fifty states making up the United States of America to take back those powers exercised by the federal government but which rightly belong to the states. Foremost among these powers is the power to determine whether or not acts of the federal government are in accordance with the powers delegated to it in the Constitution (the acts are "constitutional") or not in accordance with the powers delegated in the Constitution (the acts are "unconstitutional"). The current paradigm has the federal government (in the person of the Supreme Court) policing itself. The Supreme Court practices "Judicial Review" and (not surprisingly) finds most everything that the federal government does to be constitutional. What We BelieveWe Believe that the Federal Government is too big. The founding fathers would not recognize today's federal government ("FedGov"). They never imagined that any government purporting to follow the rules set forth in the Constitution could ever grow to be so large and intrusive as the one in Washington, D.C. We Believe that most powers of FedGov rightly belong to the states. The States delegated only certain, limited powers to FedGov and retained all others. There is no constitutional authority for much, perhaps most, of FedGov's activities. We Believe the States are the "boss" of FedGov, not the other way around. As boss of FedGov, the States should ensure that FedGov follows the rules for its operation as set forth in the Constitution. We Believe that the problem of unceasing FedGov expansion is the Supreme Court's practice of "Judicial Review." The legislative and executive branches of FedGov exercise unconstitutional powers and the judicial branch of FedGov gives its approval, declaring that each new power FedGov grants itself is a valid Constitutional power. Determining the constitutionality of FedGov laws and regulations is not a power granted to FedGov. We Believe that the States are the rightful arbiters of constitutionality questions. The States wrote the Constitution and the States, not the hired help, should determine what it means. We Believe that the States have not only the right, per the Tenth Amendment, but the duty to prevent FedGov from acting unconstitutionally. The States owe it to their citizens to ensure Constitutional government. We Believe that the States should put into place mechanisms allowing citizens to challenge unconstitutional laws. These might include findings of a state's legislature or citizen-originated petitions. We believe the adage: "That government is best which governs least." We believe that "Constitutional law," as we know it is based on the fiction that the Supreme Court should be deciding what is and is not constitutional. What We Are NotWe are not "anti-government." Government is necessary to maintain a civil society and ensure equal protection of the laws for all citizens. We are, however, anti-unconstitutional government. We're anti-bad-government. We're anti-bloated, wasteful, too-intrusive government. What We're DoingWe are working within the system to change the system. We are working to return usurped powers to the states. We are raising public awareness. This and related web sites were created as "food for thought," to get people thinking and talking about the rightful place of FedGov with regard to the States — the boss / hired help relationship. We are educating state legislators. Most state legislators probably do not realize that they are the "boss" of FedGov. After all, given FedGov's behavior, FedGov apparently thinks it's the boss. We are providing resources for others. We provide the information and tools that others can use both to raise awareness among friends and acquaintances, and to communicate our goals to their own state legislators. What We Are Not DoingWe are not advocating the overthrow of the government of the United States of America. We want only to rein it in and return it to its Constitutionally delegated duties. |
"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite." James Madison "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." Patrick Henry "Is the Constitution flexible? Of course it is, but not in the 'distort, bend and mold it to do anything you want' way that politicians use it. Rather, it is flexible in that it embodies timeless principles which can be applied to many situations." Warren Michelsen |